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check station 意味

"check station"の例文


  • check station
  • check     1check n. (1) 《米》 〔商業〕 小切手 《《英》 では cheque を用いる》. 【動詞+】 They wouldn't
  • station     1station n. (1) (官庁 施設などの)…署, 局, 所; 放送局; 地位; 持ち場. 【動詞+】 abandon one's
  • check one's baggage at the station    手荷物{てにもつ}を駅に預ける
  • supervisory station check    supervisory station check 監視ステーションチェック[電情]
  • a station    A station A局[電情]; A局[航宇]
  • in station    《be ~》列位{れつい}を保つ
  • on station    《be ~》地位{ちい}についている、位置についている、到着している、任務についている
  • station    1station n. (1) (官庁 施設などの)…署, 局, 所; 放送局; 地位; 持ち場. 【動詞+】 abandon one's station 持ち場を放棄する Would you change the station to one playing classical music? クラシック音楽を流している(ラジオ)局に替えていただけますか Y
  • this station    当駅
  • a check    a check 勘定書 かんじょうしょ チェック 押さえ 押え 抑え おさえ
  • by check    小切手{こぎって}で
  • check    1check n. (1) 《米》 〔商業〕 小切手 《《英》 では cheque を用いる》. 【動詞+】 They wouldn't accept his personal check. 彼の個人用小切手を受けとろうとしない buy traveler's checks トラベラーズチェックを買う cash a check 小切手を現金に替える
  • check for    ~をチェックする、~に関して点検を行う When changing the ink container, check for ink traces. 《マニュアル》インク容器を交換するときは、インク跡がないかどうかをチェックしてください。
  • check in    {名} :
  • check in on    {1} : ~のことを調べる -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : (医者が)(人)を回診する I'll check in on you later. 後ほど、また来ますから。


  • thus , yoshitsune ' s group safely passed through the check station .
  • although togashi knew benkei was lying , he understood the sentiments of benkei , pretended he didn ' t notice the fraud , and let them go through the check station .
  • yoshitsune , who antagonized yoritomo , and his retainers attempted to pass through the ataka check station in disguise as mountain priests in order to reach the oshu-fujiwara clan for shelter .
  • benkei ' s performance made the check station officials believe that no retainer would possibly beat his master with a stick , and yoshitsune ' s party successfully passed through the check point .
  • though odoi was built west of sanjo ohashi bridge over the kamo-gawa river (west of the kawaramachi-sanjo crossing ), a check station was established on the east bank of the kamo-gawa river in and after the early-modern age and thus the place name awataguchi remains near keage .
  • when his wits almost made them successfully pass the check station , one of togashi ' s men remarked , ' one of the party members always covers his face with an umbrella and behaves in a strange way , and he resembles yoshitsune ,' which further fueled their doubts .
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